If you are a person that loves adrenaline, then I suggest taking on the challenge of learning how to snowboard. Snowboarding may seem challenging, but learning your way around the slopes can create opportunities for a whole lot of fun on those snowy mountains.
It is possible for you to learn snowboarding in a day. Learning the basics, getting the right equipment, finding the right slope, and booking a lesson are some of the many tips you may use in your first snowboard training session. These tips can make the learning process easier for new snowboarders.
Taking on the challenge of learning how to snowboard in a day might seem impossible to beginners. Following these six tips and tricks can make your snowboarding training a whole lot easier. You may not be a professional snowboarder by the end of the day, but these tips and tricks will help you through those snowy slopes.
Can You Learn To Snowboard In A Day?
Like any other extreme sport, snowboarding may be challenging in the beginning, but it is possible to learn the basics in one day. Learning how to get on the board, how to turn, and how to stop and fall are all techniques that you can learn within one day. The real challenge comes when you are on the board and going down the slopes by yourself. Be prepared to fall a few times because you will not necessarily be a perfect snowboarder on the first day, but you will be able to get yourself down the slope.
Professional snowboarders believe that the best way to start your snowboard training is to come prepared. Being prepared for your first snowboarding lesson lays down the foundation for learning how to snowboard in one day. The first day will be challenging, but this is no different from any other extreme sport. Knowing the basics of snowboarding can be done in a day, but you need more practice and a few more rides down the snowy slopes to become comfortable on your board and the snow.
How Long Should It Take To Learn How To Snowboard?
The learning time for snowboarding generally differs from person to person. For example, people who have pre-existing experience in skateboarding or surfing tend to take less time learning to snowboard than people who have no experience. Snowboard trainers believe that there is no fixed time of length for someone to learn how to snowboard. Some people get it right in one or two days, and then some people never get it right.
On average, it takes people three to four days (practice sessions) to get the hang of the basics of snowboarding. Factors such as attitude, natural skill, and current fitness level contribute to how long it will take for you to be comfortable and confident on the snow. You will need to put in the time and effort to become a good snowboarder in the shortest amount of time. Booking lessons by a qualified snowboard instructor will also contribute to the shortening of time to learn how to snowboard.
Six Tips And Tricks For Snowboarding
Below are six helpful tips that you can use for snowboarding as a beginner. Use these tips at your first training session to improve your skills for when you return to the snow.
1. Get The Right Equipment
It is crucial to have the correct gear and equipment since snowboarding is an extreme sport that takes place in cold weather conditions. Having the proper gear and equipment can contribute to a positive practice session without any severe injuries. Items such as snowboarding jackets and pants, gloves, thermal underwear, and a ski mask are necessary for snowboarding. You will also need a good beginners snowboard, snowboarding boots, and helmet to have a decent snowboarding experience. Check out more at those links to my posts on choosing boards and boots.
2. Find The Right Slope
From the top of the mountain, you will see that most slopes, also known as pistes, are categorized in terms of color. These colors represent the difficulty level of that specific slope. Below is a list of slope colors and their difficulty level:
- Green: These slopes are for beginners and are considered the least dangerous. This would be the perfect slope for you to start learning how to snowboard.
- Blue: These slopes are steeper than the green coded slopes but can still be used by beginners. You should know all the basics of snowboarding before attempting this slope.
- Red: These slopes are also steep, but they come with lumps and bumps along the way.
- Black: These slopes are considered the most difficult of all the slopes. These slopes require experience. They are bumpy, steep and they can be challenging to ride.
3. Learn The Basics
You would have to know the basics of snowboarding before taking a journey down the slope. Knowing how to get on the board, how to turn, how to stop, and how to fall are important techniques that you would have to learn before taking on those snowy slopes. You will need to learn how to ride sideways to get a smooth ride out of your snowboard. Your feet, knees, waist, and shoulders are body parts that you would need to focus on when learning the basics of snowboarding.
4. Breakdown The Practice Session Into Hours
Breaking down your first practice session into separate hours helps with learning to snowboard in one day. Make yourself available for at least five to six hours of snowboarding to have a decent first practice session. You might not be a professional after the first practice session, but you will make things easier for your next practice session. Below is an example of how you can break up your practice session into separate hours:
Hour One: Get to know how your board works by carrying the board, standing up on the board, and falling safely.
Hour Two: Use this hour to practice snowboarding with one foot. This will assist you in mastering the chair lift.
Hour Three: This hour you can use to practice how to distribute your weight correctly.
Hour Four: Practice how to center your weight to prevent yourself from falling over.
Hour Five: Enjoy the slopes and remember that practice makes perfect.
5. Look Where You Want To Go
The most common snowboarding tip used by first-time snowboarders is using their eyes to guide them down the slope. Looking in the direction of the ground or the bottom of the hill can lead to poor weight control, potentially leading to a fall. The best advice for a smooth ride down the slope is to look in the direction you want to go and align your body with that direction. The natural following of your board will come when you look in your desired direction and follow it up with aligning your body with your gaze.
6. Book A Lesson By A Snowboard Training Instructor
As a beginner, you would learn to snowboard faster if you booked a lesson or two with a professional. A snowboard instructor would be able to teach you the foundations of snowboarding faster than any YouTube video. A booked lesson will allow you to build your confidence and comfortability on the snow much quicker than a self-taught person. These instructors also provide real-time feedback to help eliminate bad habits that might occur while you are snowboarding.
Learning the basics of snowboarding in one day is possible if you follow these six tips and tricks. Like any other extreme sport, snowboarding is known for being challenging in the beginning but can be very entertaining when you got the hang of the basics. Do not feel hopeless if you find yourself falling a few times on the first day. It will take weeks, sometimes months, to be perfectly confident and comfortable on the snow.
I suggest ensuring that you have the correct gear and equipment to have a successful first day on the snow. Finding the proper slope to start with is also essential. If you are a beginner, then aim for slopes that have a green color. Learning the basics, breaking down the practice session into hours, and looking where you want to go are small but handy tips to use on your first day of snowboarding.